Forest Society Blog - News & Features

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A view from Creek Farm in Portsmouth.

New Faces at the Forest Society

Anna Berry | May 26, 2021

Join us in welcoming Sarah Kern and Jack Minich to the Forest Society. Sarah is the new Creek Farm Education Program Coordinator and Jack is a Conservation Easement Steward.

View at tree level blue hazy sky

Land and Water Conservation Fund Map Released

Matt Leahy | May 24, 2021

Find LWCF-supported projects near your home and learn more about the history behind the organization.

The solar array at the Conservation Center in Concord.

Pioneering Smart Large-scale Solar in New Hampshire

Matt Leahy | May 24, 2021

This informational webinar will cover large-scale solar development.

EPA climate change graphic with buildings in back ground, reads "Climate Change is Happening Now"

EPA Relaunches Climate Indicators Website

Matt Leahy | May 24, 2021

Find out how climate change is affecting human health and the environment.

Rows of Christmas trees in a green field leading to a barn.

Forest Society & Bethlehem Fire Department Collaborate on Next Phase of Renovation at The Rocks

May 20, 2021

This summer and fall, the site to the east of Glessner Road will blossom into a multi-use open space.

The Rocks
The bow of a canoe with the Merrimack River ahead.

Explore the Merrimack River Watershed

Anna Berry | May 15, 2021

From Franklin, New Hampshire, to Newburyport, Massachusetts, there is much to see and experience along the Merrimack River watershed.

A view of a rocky hill in Middleton.

Forest Society Expands Moose Mountains Reservation in Middleton & Brookfield

May 14, 2021

The Forest Society has expanded its Moose Mountains Reservation in Middleton and Brookfield, adding 171 acres to the already 2,575-acre reservation.

Game camera photo of turkey vulture on ground with wings spread

Rites of spring: birds return; not all are beautiful

Dave Anderson | May 13, 2021

After migrations of hundreds or thousands of miles, birds are returning to NH forests. Not all are renowned for voice and plumage — yet each fill an ecological niche.
