What We Do

A spring bud at Mt Major.

Conserving and caring for New Hampshire's forests is our mission at the Forest Society. We are dedicated to ensuring forests remain vibrant and diverse so they can provide a wide variety of benefits to people, wildlife, and the environment. Our method for accomplishing our mission includes land conservation, forest management and stewardship, engagement through recreation and education, and advocacy leadership.

As one of the oldest and largest private forestland owners in New Hampshire, the Forest Society is uniquely positioned to help drive the state’s response to climate change. We have a deep pool of engaged members, volunteers, and staff who care about New Hampshire forests. We have the organizational capacity to continue our work as a major land trust. We have a consistent record of successful conservation policy development and advocacy.

An initial analysis by the University of Vermont calculated that the Forest Society's protected lands and easements store 12.6 million metric tons of carbon.

Our climate action plan, currently being finalized, addresses how the Forest Society will use its capacity as a land trust to and forestry organization to address the threats presented by a changing climate using land conservation, sustainable forest management, advocacy, and educational outreach. 

Land protection

We aim to conserve lands which contribute to interconnected, biologically diverse ecosystems, that also combat climate change, protect water quality, provide forest products, sequester carbon and enhance outdoor recreational opportunities. See our current land protection projects and download a PDF fact sheet on land protection. Every year, the Forest Society helps private landowners conserve thousands of acres through two primary methods: conservation easements and land acquisitions

Easements leave the land in private hands and on the local tax rolls. The easements contain typical restrictions preventing development of the land, while generally allowing agriculture, forestry and private recreation. The long-term protection of these lands is ensured through the Forest Society's comprehensive stewardship program.

Permanent land acquisitions become part of the Forest Society's reservation system and are managed for recreation, timber, wildlife habitat, watershed protection, and scenery. Reservations range in size from one to 4,000 acres and most are open to the public. 

Reservation Stewardship & Forestry

As landowners, our mission is to protect the long-term health of our forests, while still providing low impact, high quality recreational experiences for the public wherever possible. Sustainable forestry is a significant part of our management on most properties, while several are fully reserved because of unique natural areas, significant cultural resources, critical wildlife habitat, or to promote biological diversity. Learn more about our reservation stewardship practices and  forestry-related resources.


The Forest Society was founded in 1901 to be a statewide advocate for the practice of sustainable forestry and the permanent conservation of lands with special scenic and natural resource values. Today, our registered lobbyist works with many volunteers and partners to represent the Forest Society and its members on issues of core concern before federal and state legislatures and agencies. Read about the current legislative issues we're working on and learn how to get involved.


The Forest Society offers a year-round program of field trips, workshops, and special events – all designed to enhance people's connections with the landscapes of New Hampshire. From wild mushroom hunts and winter mammal tracking excursions to hikes on newly protected properties and discussion forums, we strive to bring the natural world to every age and ability level – in all parts of the state. View listings of field trips and events currently available.