
The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests was founded on the belief that bringing people together to save open spaces can result in truly great things. The Forest Society works collaboratively with myriad businesses, communities and government agencies to protect land, pass critical conservation legislation, promote good forestry, and educate the public. The following is a list of some of our partners and their websites:

Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC)
 Since the very founding of the Forest Society in 1901, we have partnered with the AMC on numerous issues, especially those focused on the White Mountain National Forest.

Audubon Society of New Hampshire (ASNH)
We work with ASNH on numerous projects, including the Citizens for N.H. Land and Community Heritage, Something Wild weekly radio series, and the Great Bay Resource Protection Partnership.

The Fells/John Hay National Wildlife Refuge

This local group co-sponsors field trips, events and other programs with our staff at the John Hay Land Studies Center in Newbury.

GoodWork NH

This nonprofit organization leases Carey Cottage at Creek Farm and acts as an incubator for nonprofits in the space.

Gundalow Company

This nonprofit organization operates summer camps and afterschool programs from our Creek Farm reservation.

Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP)
 Beginning in 1998, the Forest Society led a broad-based coalition that ultimately brought about legislative passage and funding of LCHIP in 2000. The program provides state matching grants in support of community land conservation and historic preservation projects.

Land Trust Alliance
 As the state's largest land trust, the Forest Society is a member of this national umbrella organization for land trusts.

New Hampshire Division of Forests & Lands 
 Since the early 1900s, the Forest Society has worked closely with the Division of Forests & Lands and its predecessors to ensure the protection of our forests.

New Hampshire Fish & Game Department
 The Forest Society has worked with this state agency for years on a variety of habitat protection initiatives.

New Hampshire Historical Society (NHHS)
 The Forest Society co-sponsored a major exhibit at NHHS's Museum of New Hampshire History in Concord, focusing on 100 years of land use history in the state.

New Hampshire Natural Heritage 
 A program of the New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands, the New Hampshire Natural Heritage Bureau finds, tracks, and facilitates the protection of the state's rare plants and exemplary natural communities. The Forest Society relies heavily on the program in our land protection and research departments.

New Hampshire Preservation Alliance
 A non-profit dedicated to preserving the state's historic landscapes, the Preservation Alliance is a key partner in the Citizens for N.H. Land & Community Heritage program.

New Hampshire Public Radio (NHPR)
 In cooperation with the Audubon Society of N.H., the Forest Society and NHPR co-produce a two-minute weekly natural history radio program called "Something Wild."

New Hampshire Sunday News 
 Forest Society staff share their "Forest Journal" once a month in the New Hampshire Sunday News.

New Hampshire Timberland Owner's Association (NHTOA)
 The Forest Society helped establish NHTOA to address forest landowners' concerns and issues. NHTOA is based at the Conservation Center in Concord.

Northern Forest Center
 The Northern Forest Center works to build a public consensus to conserve and enhance the cultural, civic, economic, and ecological wealth of the Northern Forest. The Forest Society is a co-sponsor of the Center's annual conference.

Project Learning Tree New Hampshire (PLT)
 The Forest Society hosts PLT New Hampshire and serves on its advisory committee.

The Nature Conservancy – New Hampshire Chapter (TNC-NH)
 The Forest Society has partnered with TNC-NH on a number of land protection projects and on one of our research reports, New Hampshire's Changing Landscape.

 Trailwrights, an all-volunteer non-profit organization, has been a partner with the Forest Society for 25 years. Working throughout northern New England, they provide a full range of trail related services from basic trail maintenance to trail design and specialized construction, consulting services for trail system development and maintainance, and skill training for other volunteers.

Trust for Public Land
 This national land trust has been a key partner for the Forest Society on numerous large land protection projects including the Connecticut Headwaters and Lake Umbagog; as well as additions to the White Mountain National Forest, including Bretton Woods, Lake Tarleton, and Pond of Safety.

UNH Cooperative Extension
 Cooperative extension educators have helped out in many Forest Society programs. The two organizations co-serve on many projects and committees in New Hampshire's natural resource community.

Weeks Act Legacy
 Weeks Act Legacy celebrates the centennial of the legislation that enabled the acquisition of over 19 million acres in 124 national forests, spanning 42 states, including the White Mountain National Forest. The Weeks Act Legacy Trail is a 100-mile driving tour, a self-guided interpretive “trail” to 40 different sites that interpret the natural and cultural history and political history of the creation of the WMNF.

White Mountain National Forest (WMNF)
 Founded in 1901 to protect the White Mountains, the Forest Society's history is closely tied to the WMNF. With Congress's passage of the Weeks Act in 1911, WMNF was established, permanently conserving 788,000 acres of land in New Hampshire and Maine.

This is only a partial list of all the partnerships we have enjoyed since 1901. If your organization is interested in a listing, please email for more information.