Forest Notes

The title of Forest Notes magazine as it appears on the cover.

Forest Notes is the Forest Society's quarterly member magazine featuring articles about land conservation, advocacy, recreation, forestry, and more.

Join us as a member or renew your membership today to receive a print copy!


Latest Issue

Forest Notes, Spring 2024 Cover


Spring 2024

In this issue:


+ Lulu Fichter's "Water Fired" River Pods

+ 100 Landowners, 8,600 Acres: Connecting a Community of Women in the Woods

More Stories

+ Beyond the Chestnut Blight

+ The Expansion of Jennings Forest

+ Busy Beavers: Fellow Foresters and Farmers

+ Landfills vs. Greenspace


Forest Notes Digital Edition

Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes Forest Notes more mobile- and reader-friendly, with a similar style to reading a hard copy, and you can like, share, and save it along with your other favorite magazines.

Read the Spring 2024 digital edition here or on Issuu:


Seeking Your Stories

Forest Notes is always looking for story ideas relating to the environment, recreation, and forestry from across the Granite State.

Have an idea? Send it to Forest Notes editor Ryan Smith.

The cover of Forest Notes is a bird's-eye-view about the Mahoosuc Highlands.

Forest Notes Digital Archive

Browse digital editions of Forest Notes magazine published since spring 2019, when we launched the free e-editions to keep you connected with the natural world! You can also download PDFs.

The title of Forest Notes magazine as it appears on the cover.

Advertise in Forest Notes

Would you like to position your business as one that is socially responsible and environmentally conscious? Advertise in Forest Notes!