Forest Society Blog - News & Features

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NH State Capital Building on gray snowy day

Legislation Proposes Detrimental Changes to the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee Law

Matt Leahy | January 23, 2022

The Science, Technology and Energy Committee has not yet announced when it will vote on the bill but we would encourage readers to email the Committee to express opposition.

Bobcat walking through snow shadows on trees on snow

Interested in working for wildlife?

Matt Leahy | January 19, 2022

Join the NH Coverts Project to become a volunteer steward for wildlife and forests.

View of the NH capitol from the Conservation Center in East Concord

Legislation proposes detrimental changes to the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee law

Matt Leahy | January 14, 2022

Register your opposition to HB 1611 before the January 18 public hearing.

Silhouette of Dark Eyed Junco perched outside window at sunflower feeder

Forest Journal: Wild Birds At My Window

Dave Anderson | January 14, 2022

Feeding birds connects the Forest Society's Dave Anderson to larger questions and brings wildlife right to the window in winter.

A birds-eye view of the Merrimack River meandering next to Stillhouse Forest.

Press Release: Forest Society Adds Nearly 74 Acres to Stillhouse Forest

January 11, 2022

1,200 feet of frontage is newly protected along the Merrimack River

The marker was unveiled on a stone at the property.

Marking Black History at the Welch Family Farm & Forest in Hancock

Ryan Smith | January 11, 2022

Uncovering black history at the Welch Family Farm & Forest.

President Jack Savage speaks during the closing ceremony outdoors at Morrill Farm as the owners stand next to him.

Press Release: Forest Society Purchases Conservation Easement on Morrill Farm Dairy in Boscawen

January 10, 2022

The Morrill Farm Dairy has been in operation for nearly a century, founded in 1925.

Blow-Me-Down-Brook flows adjacent to the Forest Society's proposed addition at Yatsevitch Forest.

Press Release: Yeaton Family Generously Donates 164 Acres in Plainfield

January 4, 2022

The land donation will add to the beautiful 1,090-acre Michael M. and Claudia Yatsevitch Forest in Cornish and Plainfield.