Forest Society Blog - News & Features
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Forest Advocate: Support the Bartlett and Massabesic Experimental Forests
We urge you to contact the USFS to ask the agency to continue the long-term and peer-reviewed research at both these centers.
- Tags:
- Advocacy,
- Working Forests,
- Forestry
Forestry Friday: Fairy Shrimp: The Sea Monkeys of Vernal Pools
The only place you can find them in New England is in certain vernal pools with cold, deep, clean water.
- Tags:
- Wildlife,
- Forestry,
- Working Forests
Timber Harvesting on the Forest Society's Peirce Forest Reservation
The harvest is taking place in a portion of less than 500 acres located on the southern portion of the larger protected forest.
- Tags:
- Forestry,
- Climate,
- Working Forests
Forest Notes: The Rare Milkweed Garden at the Gardner Forest
In this Forestry Friday, the forestry team takes a trip to the Gardener Forest in Hollis to check in on a population of a rare species of milkweed. (Photo: Sophie Oehler)
Forestry Focus: Habitat Management With Hand Tools
A partnership between groups and agencies helped prevent the New England cottontail from being listed in the Endangered Species Act.
- Tags:
- Forestry
"Good Forestry in the Granite State" is Being Revised — Take the Survey
A steering committee representing landowners, conservation organizations, state agencies and the forest industry is guiding the process.
- Tags:
- Forestry,
- Working Forests
Lamprey River Forest Timber Harvest Tour
A recent tour of an active timber harvest at the Forest Society's 162-acre Lamprey River Forest provided an excellent opportunity to see the forestry underway.
- Tags:
- Forestry,
- Timber Harvesting,
- Education
Forestry Friday: Rockingham County Champion Red Pine
Old trees have lots to tell in their growth rings.
- Tags:
- Forestry,
- Working Forests