Forest Society Blog - News & Features

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Wildflowers in Our Backyards

Stacie Hernandez | May 26, 2020

Spring ephemeral is the term used for many of New Hampshire's wildflowers that show off in the spring and then move on to a different life cycle where they wither away back underground after going through a reproductive phase. The short definition is growing over a short amount of time.

Application Deadline for Open State Forester Position Extended

Matt Leahy | May 22, 2020

The Department of Natural and Cultural Resources announced it extended the deadline for applications for the State Forester position to June 19.

An oriole feeds a chick in a nest.

A Miraculous Month of May for Bird Watching

Dave Anderson | May 21, 2020

Birds are always spectacular in May. Now, more of us are actually watching and listening carefully. To quote Hall of Fame Baseball legend Yogi Berra: “You can observe a lot by watching."

Lunchtime Live Guest Speaker Niché Epps is pictured at home during her demonstration.

Lunchtime Live Episodes Available Here

Anna Berry | May 18, 2020

You can see past virtual field trips, fireside Friday readings, and more here.

Two boys in snowsuits play near a puddle in a field.

Forest Journal: Responsible recreation in the ''new normal"

Anna Berry | May 10, 2020

Since the Berry family's winter hike two months ago, they have walked a lot of new trails — even if they've only made it halfway. And for the time being, they are grateful to be healthy and be outside.
