Forest Society Blog - News & Features

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People machinery log pile Lamprey River Forest

Lamprey River Forest Timber Harvest Tour

A recent tour of an active timber harvest at the Forest Society's 162-acre Lamprey River Forest provided an excellent opportunity to see the forestry underway.

Students listening to forester

Forestry Friday: Local students learn from active timber harvest

Dave Anderson | May 19, 2022

3rd and 4th graders met Forest Society staff for a tour of our recent timber harvest.

Young forest regrowing from a previous harvest

Upcoming Timber Harvest on the Black Mountain Forest

Gabe Roxby | June 24, 2020

The Forest Society is conducting a timber harvest this summer on our Black Mountain Forest, which straddles the Sutton-Warner town line, and contains one of the hiking trails to the summit of Mount Kearsarge.

Thin trees with the summit of Gap Mountain behind.

All Systems Go

Wendy Weisiger | March 17, 2020

What are Forest Society foresters up to during the global pandemic? Manager Wendy Weisiger shares her "social distancing" strategy.