Forest Society Blog - News & Features

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Participants view logging machinery in woods

"Good Forestry in the Granite State" is Being Revised — Take the Survey

Wendy Weisiger | August 29, 2023

A steering committee representing landowners, conservation organizations, state agencies and the forest industry is guiding the process.

People machinery log pile Lamprey River Forest

Lamprey River Forest Timber Harvest Tour

A recent tour of an active timber harvest at the Forest Society's 162-acre Lamprey River Forest provided an excellent opportunity to see the forestry underway.

red pine increment borer

Forestry Friday: Rockingham County Champion Red Pine

Steven Junkin | June 9, 2023

Old trees have lots to tell in their growth rings.

Steve and John, in forester attire, examine a tree in a forest in spring.

Welcome, Seasonal Staff!

Anna Berry | June 1, 2023

The Forest Society recently welcomed three seasonal staff members to the team.

A bee in pollen on a flower.

Forestry Friday: Why Bees Need Forests Too

April 7, 2023

A new study estimates that one-third of our native bees in the northeast are forest specialists, taking advantage of the nectar and pollen produced by trees and spring ephemerals in the forest understory.

Colleen stands near a bridge on her property.

2023 Tree Farmer of the Year: Colleen O'Neill

Rita Carroll | April 5, 2023

Langwood Tree Farm has participated in the N.H. Tree Farm program since 1979

Dark, thickened stripes between leaf veins are early signs.

Forestry Friday: Watching for Beech Leaf Disease

Steven Junkin | March 31, 2023

Our foresters share what they learned at a NE meeting of foresters.