Forest Society Blog - News & Features

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A wood sign at the entrance to Monson Center.

Settlers may have abandoned Monson Center in 1770, but it's a pretty ghost town today

July 30, 2020

"[T]his picturesque historic site, presided over since 1998 by the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, is a complicated collection of things lost and found in hardscrabble ground."

Colorful complex black and orange pattern of Virgin Tiger Moth suggests a stained glass window pattern

Forest Journal: "Mothing" For Beginners

Carrie Deegan | July 26, 2020

The moths we have here in New Hampshire range in size from the 5-7” Cecropia Moth (Hyalophora cecropia), fully as large as an adult hand, to “micromoths” so tiny that you’ll need a hand lens just to see that they are actually moths.

A river flows past the Moose Mountains.

U.S. House approves Great American Outdoors Act

Matt Leahy | July 23, 2020

In an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote, the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday approved the Great American Outdoors Act.

Hammock suspended between two apple trees in late summer sunlight

Something Wild: The Wheel

Dave Anderson | July 22, 2020

Naturalist Dave Anderson cites many mid-summer milestones including reduced bird songs, common ditch-weed flowers, and shooting stars which reveal the summer season passing faster than expected.

A beaver pond at Clay Brook forest.

Clay Brook Forest

July 17, 2020
Green apples glisten with morning dew.

Apples, Acorns Aplenty!

Dave Anderson | July 12, 2020

Foresters, wildlife biologists and homeowners are watching a strong year for the development of the forest foods that will ripen into autumn apples, acorns and even a good pine seed crop in New Hampshire forests. Fruit trees and oak forests with acorns are THE supermarkets of the forest.

A thick spruce forest filters sunlight through it.

Learn More About how Forests Capture and Store Carbon

Matt Leahy | July 8, 2020

Last month, the Forest Society and our partners at the Granite State Division of the Society of American Foresters and UNH Cooperative Extension sponsored a webinar series on forest carbon dynamics and carbon markets.
