Forest Society Blog - News & Features
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Literacy Among the Leaves
Combining physical activities while being exposed to nature (green exercise) has been proven to lower blood pressure, increase self-esteem, and have an overall positive effect on all aspects of a person’s health.
- Tags:
- Creek Farm,
- Education

Union Leader: For Earth Day, volunteers removed trash from a treasured peak
April 26, 2023With sweeping views of Lake Winnipesaukee and the White Mountains, including Mount Washington and trails for most skill and energy levels, Mt. Major is one of the most sought-after outdoor attractions in southern New Hampshire, according to the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, which owns the 200-acre reservation.
- Tags:
- Stewardship,
- Mount Major

Earth Day Celebration: Where in the World is the Forest Society Staff?
To celebrate Earth Day, the Forest Society staff shares their picks for their favorite places on Earth.

Students Explore Forest Society's McCabe Forest
The students in 3rd and 4th grade classes were able to walk from their school to the nearby McCabe Forest to learn and explore habitats for terrestrial red back salamanders and carefully rolled logs to find salamanders living in the forest.
- Tags:
- Education

We Love Our Volunteers!
A look back on the volunteer events we've hosted in the past month.
- Tags:
- Volunteers

Every Day is Earth Day at the Forest Society
Here are a few ways you can help us protect our state's natural places in honor of Earth Day on Saturday, April 22.
- Tags:
- Volunteers,
- Land Conservation

Something Wild: N.H.'s other foliage season
Even if you’re a long-time Granite Stater, and have learned to appreciate this so-called “micro-season,” you might not know what’s really taking place during early bud-burst.
- Tags:
- Something Wild,
- Wildlife

Forest Society Celebrates Earth Day at Mt Major
Love Mt. Major? Help keep it clean!
- Tags:
- Recreation,
- Clean Water