Forest Society Blog - News & Features

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Senator Shaheen and leaders of local conservation groups are gathered at a table in the conference room.

Senator Shaheen Talks Farm Bill at the Forest Society

Matt Leahy | February 14, 2023

Reauthorized every five year, the legislation funds nutrition and food programs, agriculture supports and key conservation programs.

A horse-drawn wagon takes visitors past sugar maple trees with metal buckets gathering sap.

Authentic Maple Sugaring Experience at The Rocks Starts March 11

February 1, 2023

Maple Month will be celebrated at The Rocks from March 11 to April 1.

The Rocks
The Rocks' Carriage Barn under construction with Christmas trees and wreaths for sale out front.

Forest Society Hosts Virtual Tour of Ongoing Renovations at The Rocks

Anne Truslow | January 31, 2023

The March 1 program is part of the Bretzfelder Series.

The Rocks
A line of rocks stretches into a frozen winter lake

UNH Report Assesses New England’s Progress in Addressing Climate Change

Matt Leahy | January 30, 2023

Unfortunately, the report is highly critical of New Hampshire.

Courtesy Shawn McCready via Flickr/Creative Commons.

Calling All Volunteers!

Matt Leahy | January 29, 2023

Volunteer for the NH Coverts Project through UNH Extension.

A view through green leaves in a forest.

Detecting Change in Conservation: The Value of Remote Sensing

January 27, 2023

Forest Society Director of Easement Stewardship Naomi Brattlof speaks with Conservation Finance Network.