Forest Society Blog - News & Features

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The Unwilling

January 1, 2015

A Raid on Dedicated Funds

December 30, 2014

There has been some controversy in recent years about the “raiding” of dedicated funds to assist in balancing the state budget — accomplished by transferring those funds or fund surpluses to the General Fund for general state expenses.


NHPR: Wood Pellets Swift Rise Tests Supply Chain

December 29, 2014

The number of homes in New Hampshire using wood for heat has more than doubled over the last decade, from 3.8 percent in 2005 to 8.6 percent in 2013. Much of that increase comes from wood pellets. Pellets have advantages over cord-wood – they are less work and burn more cleanly – and are cheaper than fuel oil or propane. But the fuel’s rapid growth has meant the pellet industry has earned a few black-eyes from the occasional shortage, and manufacturers and retailers are struggling to figure out how to smooth out their supply chain.

Wood Energy

Tenth-Generation Farm Receives Grant from LCHIP

December 23, 2014

Emery Farm in Durham is now one step closer to being protected from commercial or industrial development thanks to a new grant from the Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP). Emery farm, located at 135 Piscataqua Road, was one out of 36 historic, cultural, or land conservation projects throughout the state that received grants from LCHIP. The grant will allow for owners David Hills and his wife, Catherine McLaughlin-Hills, to apply for an easement for the last unprotected 38 acres that will limit the use of the land to agricultural only.

“When in Rome…”

Dave Anderson | December 12, 2014