Forest Society Blog - News & Features
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The Wonder of Woods and Wildlife
For young children and adults alike, the opportunity and excitement of being close to a wild animal can ignite a life-long interest in wildlife conservation.
- Tags:
- Wildlife,
- Creek Farm

“Ready for the wilderness”
Rehabilitated orphan yearling bears have moved-out of the Kilham Bear Center to large blocks of conserved rural forestland in locations far from human habitation.
- Tags:
- Wildlife

Floodplain provides wildlife habitat during high water
The silver maple floodplain forest is specifically adapted to withstand the extreme flooding regime of the larger rivers in NH.
- Tags:
- Wildlife

Something Wild: N.H.'s other foliage season
Even if you’re a long-time Granite Stater, and have learned to appreciate this so-called “micro-season,” you might not know what’s really taking place during early bud-burst.
- Tags:
- Something Wild,
- Wildlife

Forestry Friday: Why Bees Need Forests Too
A new study estimates that one-third of our native bees in the northeast are forest specialists, taking advantage of the nectar and pollen produced by trees and spring ephemerals in the forest understory.

Forest Journal: A Fond and Feathered Farewell from Grandfather's Birds
After the passing of her Grandfather, Sophie Oehler reflects on birds and their meanings during our grieving process.
- Tags:
- Wildlife,
- Forest Journal

Tradition of Generosity and Conservation Continues at Yatsevitch Forest
The conservation easement now fully encompasses the rich forest habitat in the area.
- Tags:
- Land Conservation,
- Wildlife

Something Wild Celebrates 25 Years on NHPR
This week marks the 25th anniversary of Something Wild on NHPR.
- Tags:
- Wildlife,
- Forestry,
- Something Wild