Nearly 250 students in Concord 2nd grades learning outdoors

The second grade students across Concord have been visiting the Merrimack River Floodplain for wildlife investigation topic outdoors. (Photo: courtesy of Project SEE)
In Concord, the second grade students across the school district recently visited the Merrimack River Outdoor Education and Conservation Area at the Concord Conservation Center headquarters of the Forest Society as part of Project SEE. Project SEE (Science and Environmental Education) is a Concord School District science enrichment program founded in 1970.
Students visited between October 5 and October 23 in groups ranging from 16 to 22 at a time. The expected total number of school visitors to the popular trails along the river is expected to be 242 students. This number does not include the teachers and parent chaperones, which will be an estimated 45 additional people.
Staff at Project SEE set up teaching stations in advance along the trails. Students follow a trail map to outdoor learning areas.

Hilary Chapman and Madeline Champlin, environmental educators with Project SEE, led the students looking at wildlife habitats on the floodplain - forest, wetlands and open fields for native wildlife. Students discuss which animals are native to New Hampshire and might possibly live along the Merrimack River. Madeline Champlin at Project SEE is also a former Forest Society Floodplain Ranger.
Hilary Chapman adds: "In the trail picture, see the student carrying a trail map. The students love following the map as we walk to each station. We have been passing out the brochures too! Many students and parents say they want to come back so hopefully that happens!"
The Forest Society created a new take home brochure for the families of students visiting the Floodplain to share the message "you are welcome here!" with a trail map and multi-lingual interpretations of the welcome message: We are pleased to welcome the public to our conservation land and help Project SEE facilitate student learning. Come back soon and visit this FREE recreation area with your family!"
Student families also learn that "the floodplain is a dynamic landscape shaped by the Merrimack River where you can wiutness changing seasons and diverse wildlife. It is an area well-loved and long-used by our surrounding community."
Stephanie Bowser at Project SEE adds: "The Project SEE team values this partnership with your organization. Thank you again for the effort to welcome students and families to this beautiful property."
- See and learn more at
- For directions, search "Les Clark Nature Trailhead" on Google or download our mobile app, powered by OuterSpatial, for maps and more information.