Forest Society Blog - News & Features
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Take a survey on the NH Wildlife Action Plan!
The Wildlife Action Plan provides a strategic vision for conserving New Hampshire’s most vulnerable wildlife species and habitats, keeping common species common, and for working towards our common goal of conservation for many generations to come.

Forest Notes: New Hampshire Wetlands: Key to Climate Resilience, Threatened by Human Activity
Celebrating the subtle beauty and ecological signficance of New Hampshire's wetlands.
- Tags:
- Climate,
- Land Conservation

Holiday Craft Fair Returns to The Rocks
We'll kick off the season on Saturday, Nov. 23 with a Holiday Craft Fair featuring local vendors, presented in partnership with WREN.
- Tags:
- The Rocks

A Memorial from Monson: Hiking to Remember Russ Dickerman
After the passing of Russ Dickerman of Hollis, the Forest Society led a hike to remember his stewardship legacy at his beloved Monson Village.

A Slow Turning
A look at why it's been a good foliage season in NH.
- Tags:
- Forest Journal,
- Recreation,
- Wildlife

Forest Notes: Managing for Resilient Landscapes: Climate Adaptation at the Peirce Reservation
While every forest will face these challenges, the Forest Society recently had the opportunity to participate in a demonstration project centered at the Charles L. Peirce Wildlife and Forest Reservation in Stoddard and Windsor, one of the largest Forest Society properties.
- Tags:
- Working Forests,
- Forestry

Something Wild: Exploring the Great Bay Discovery Center boardwalk
Great Bay is one of the largest estuaries on the Atlantic Coast, covering 6,000 acres. An estuary is a tidal inlet where fresh water from rivers mingles with salt water from the sea.
- Tags:
- Something Wild,
- Recreation,
- Wildlife

A Celebration of Tree Farming in Epping
The Forest Society joined with its NH Tree Farm program partners on September 28 to celebrate “NH Tree Farm Field Day."