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Tenth-Generation Farm Receives Grant from LCHIP

December 23, 2014

Emery Farm in Durham is now one step closer to being protected from commercial or industrial development thanks to a new grant from the Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP). Emery farm, located at 135 Piscataqua Road, was one out of 36 historic, cultural, or land conservation projects throughout the state that received grants from LCHIP. The grant will allow for owners David Hills and his wife, Catherine McLaughlin-Hills, to apply for an easement for the last unprotected 38 acres that will limit the use of the land to agricultural only.

Summer Growth Spurt

Dave Anderson | December 12, 2014

Making Memories

Dave Anderson | December 12, 2014

We heard a suggestion from a volunteer and her husband, longtime Forest Society supporters Martha and John Chandler of Laconia: As the Forest Society becomes a key landowner hosting segments of the most popular trails on Mt. Major, perhaps we might provide education resources for schools with traditions of climbing the peak.

“When in Rome…”

Dave Anderson | December 12, 2014