Forest Society Blog - News & Features

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NH State Capitol against grey winter sky

Legislative Outlook 2022

Matt Leahy | November 29, 2021

Issue areas that will be of interest to environmental protection and conservation stakeholders in New Hampshire in the upcoming legislative session.

Great Bay under a blue sky driftwood in foreground

Federal Infrastructure Law Provides Funding for Coastal Land Protection Efforts

Matt Leahy | November 25, 2021

The legislation authorization had been lapsed since 2013.

2 small moose in snowy woods

Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

Matt Leahy | November 25, 2021

Action alert: encourage our state's U.S. Senators to support the Recovering America's Wildlife Act.

A snowy owl pauses on the ground in winter.

Something Wild: Keep An Eye Out for Rough-Legged Hawks

Dave Anderson, Chris Martin, Jessica Hunt | November 23, 2021

Rough-legged hawks fly 2000 miles from Nunavik to New Hampshire to winter here- keep an eye out for them!

Dijit Taylor, Executive Director of LCHIP Standing next to Brian Hotz VP of Land Conservation holding a LCHIP sign between them

Dijit Taylor, LCHIP’s Executive Director, to Retire in December

Matt Leahy | November 23, 2021

The program's $35 million investment has helped permanently conserve 53,307 acres of land and preserve 177 historic buildings.

A couple poses with their infant and their fresh-cut Christmas tree at The Rocks.

No Shortage: If You Want a Natural Christmas Tree, You Will Find One, Say Growers

November 23, 2021

There are plenty of locally-grown Christmas trees at local farms.