William H. Champlin, Jr. Forest

About the Property

As a community resource featuring woods, water, wildlife and high-quality farm soils, Champlin Forest has many significant and diverse conservation features. Half of the property consists of well-managed, productive woodlands, containing marketable timber along with a diversity of wildlife habitats, consisting of a field, varied woodland types, vernal pools and wetlands.

The property serves as the headwaters of and includes extensive frontage along Clark Brook and contributes to two nearby public water supplies. Remnants of a small-scale granite quarry dating to the mid-1800s, when stones were drilled and cut by hand, are evident as well.

Champlin Forest features a kiosk and parking area on Route 108, and hiking trails through field and forest.

Learn more about our ongoing project to expand Champlin Forest here.

Visitor Use Guidelines

Please see our Visitor Use Guidelines page for a complete list of rules and regulations for Forest Society reservations

Try an Outing on the Forest Society's Mobile App, Powered by OuterSpatial

A QR code for an outing.
Visitors to Forest Society reservations can now access information about land and trails easily from their mobile devices. Using the OuterSpatial platform, the Forest Society's mobile application is free and available for both iPhone and Android devices.

Champlin Forest Outing: This interpretive Champlin Forest trail will allow you to follow along as natural and cultural sites are explained on your way. 

Property Details

A gift from Virginia S. Champlin of North Andover, Mass., in 2006, the property was named in honor of Mrs. Champlin's late husband, who took an active role and interest in the management of the land for forestry, wildlife, and recreational purposes. He also played a significant role in the current location of Skyhaven Airport, across Route 108 from the reservation.

Trail Information

Champlin Forest Trails


Yellow Blazes

All trails leave from the kiosk through the open field to the south. Please refer to the trail map for more information.  Trails are easy, flat or moderately sloped and marked with yellow blazes. The longest trail is a 2-mile roundtrip.