Moose Mountains

Green water reflects a stand of trees at Moose Mountains.
Trees and field landscape with autumn leaves and colors.

About the Property

There are more than eight miles of trails to explore at the Moose Mountains Reservation. These trails are combination of foot paths, woods roads, and snowmobile trails. The main trails have been signed and blazed however you may find some trails that are not shown on our property map.

Visitors will be greeted by amazing views from Beauty Ledge off the North Trail. It’s a 30-40 minute uphill hike, but well worth the effort.

Another interesting spot is the site of the Old Burrows Farm, just off the Moose Mountain Trail. Open fields and two old cemeteries always make me think about the mountain lifestyle of 200 years ago.

Another highlight is the heron rookery – vacated, but you never know when they’ll be back. Take the Piper Mountain Trail to the height of land, then look for a spur trail off the south side that leads to the top of Piper Mountain for views down to the marsh with the rookery.

For more information, check out the Moose Mountains Reservation Facebook Group. Another interesting source of information can be found at Steve Smith's "Mountain Wanderings" blog page

Please see our Visitor Use Guidelines page for a complete list of rules and regulations for Forest Society reservations. 

Property Details

Historical uses:

The land was first settled as farmland in the 18th century, as evidenced by the cellar holes, cemeteries, cleared fields, and old farm house that was removed from the property. The land also became a source of forest products for much of the last century. The frequent timber harvests encouraged lush early successional growth that is the perfect prescription for the moose and other large mammals that thrive on the property. The return of the forest also shaded and protected the three streams that flow from the property to join the Salmon Falls River, which in turn flows into the mighty Piscataqua River and on to the Atlantic Ocean. Water quality research indicates that the Branch River headwaters in the Moose Mountains are one the largest and most pristine watersheds in coastal New Hampshire. With the protection of the Moose Mountains, they will stay that way.

Circumstances of acquisition:

Protection of this property began in 2003 when the Forest Society partnered with the Moose Mountains Regional Greenways to obtain funding from the federal Forest Legacy program. In 2005 additional funding was obtained from the federal Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program. Support from Senator Judd Gregg, the State Forest Legacy Committee, the NH Division of Forests and Lands, Moose Mountains Regional Greenways, combined with contributions from hundreds of generous private donors enabled this project to be completed in 2006.

Trail Information

Old Burrows Farm and Phoebe's Nable



From the parking lot, continue up the Burrows Farm Trail to the junction with North Road. Bear left at the junction; continue for approximately 1/3 of a mile. Turn left and cross the bridge, continuing through the woods to a field, passing a cemetery on your right. Continue south through the field. Continue into the woods, looking for the Phoebe’s Nable spur to the left. The 1/4 mile spur trail leads to the wooded top of Phoebe’s Nable (1,185 ft), which offers partial views to the south.

North Road Trail



From the parking lot, continue up the Burrows Farm Trail to the junction with North Road. Turn right on North Road; continue for approximately 3/4 of a mile to an open clearing. (The Mountain View trail is to the west.) Head toward the edge of the woods to the north, looking for the break in the woods where the North Road Trail continues. The North Road Trail crosses the Branch River and ascends to the right just over the Branch River bridge. Continue approximately 3/4 mile on the North Road Trail to an opening on the north side of the mountain that offers views of Mt Chocorua, Mt. Washington, and the White Mountains.

Piper Mountain Trail



From the parking lot, continue up the Burrows Farm Trail to the junction with North Road. Turn right on North Road; continue approximately 1/8 of a mile to a clearing off to the right. The Piper Mountain Trail begins at the far (south) side of this opening. The trail goes downhill, curving sharply to the left. Continue to a junction. Bear left at the junction, heading northeast past Bowser Pond (on the right). The Piper Mountain Trail ends in a T at the unpaved Piper Mountain Road, which circles the Middleton Town Forest. Turn right onto Piper Mountain Road; continue approximately 1/3 mile. Look for the spur trail to the right. The 1/8 mile spur trail leads over the open summit of Piper Mountain to rocky ledges with views to the south, overlooking a heron rookery.