Forest Society Blog - News & Features
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Forest Advocate: Climate Change & Heat Waves
These extreme heat events are not rare anymore.

Forest Advocate: Spending time outside can add years to your life
People have always intuitively felt better both physically and mentally after spending time in the outdoors.
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- Advocacy

NH Senate Committee Approves Agricultural Lands Protection Legislation
New Hampshire has a capable land trust community who have protected thousands of acres of NH farmland.
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- Advocacy

Legislation Introduced to Establish New Forest Conservation Program
We encourage readers to contact Rep. Kuster to thank her for efforts on this legislation.
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- Advocacy

Forest Society Statement on Proposed "Twin States" Transmission Line
In opposing Northern Pass, the Forest Society did not take a position on the concept of importing additional large scale hydro power coming down out of Canada.
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- Advocacy

Forest Advocate: House Committee Delays Final Vote on NH Energy Site Evaluation Committee Legislation
We will re-engage on the bill when the Committee takes up the bill again in September.

Forest Advocate: NH House to Consider Landfill Siting Legislation
Contact your representative in support of this bill.
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- Advocacy