Forest Society Blog - News & Features

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Dijit Taylor, Executive Director of LCHIP Standing next to Brian Hotz VP of Land Conservation holding a LCHIP sign between them

Dijit Taylor, LCHIP’s Executive Director, to Retire in December

Matt Leahy | November 23, 2021

The program's $35 million investment has helped permanently conserve 53,307 acres of land and preserve 177 historic buildings.

Senator Shaheen stands in the middle of a circle of conservation leaders outdoors at Mink Brook Forest.

Forest Society Joins Senator Shaheen and Conservation Partners in Support of Forest Conservation Programs

Matt Leahy | October 27, 2021

Congress is currently considering a substantial investment in forest conservation that would grow the economy, create jobs, and take critical action on climate change.

Looking out over a field with forest behind.

Current Use Survey Results

Matt Leahy | October 25, 2021

The results are in for a survey about the State of New Hampshire's Current Use Program.

Moose Mountains distant view is full fall colors blue sky

Regional Conservation Partnership Network Virtual Gathering 2021

Matt Leahy | October 24, 2021

Find out how to register for the Regional Conservation Partnership's annual meeting.

NH State House with fall leaves and colors blue sky

NH Legislative Committee Votes Down Anti-LCHIP bill

Matt Leahy | September 29, 2021

The unanimous opposition indicated bipartisan support for LCHIP in New Hampshire.

Trees and field landscape with autumn leaves and colors.

Pending Federal Legislation Proposes Increased Support for Forestry Programs

Matt Leahy | September 26, 2021

Updates on the Forest Legacy Program and the Community Forest and Open Space Program from the Forest Society's advocacy team.

Looking up at blue sky through fall maple leaves

NH Legislative Committee Votes to Oppose Anti-Conservation Easement Bill

Matt Leahy | September 25, 2021

Join us in thanking the committee members who voted in opposition to the bill.

Congresswoman Kuster and SPNHF President Jack Savage standing in front of misty view of the White Mountains at The Rocks in Bethlehem.

Congresswoman Kuster Visits The Rocks

Matt Leahy | August 21, 2021

Congresswoman Kuster received a briefing on plans for Forest Society North at The Rocks
