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The Committee on Science, Technology and Energy in the New Hampshire House of Representatives will hold a public hearing on January 18 on House Bill 1611, legislation that would require the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee to amend important rules governing the aesthetics and safety of energy facilities. The Forest Society opposes this bill.
We believe it will undermine the extensive stakeholder process that led to the revision of New Hampshire’s energy facilities siting law (RSA 162-H) in 2014 and the accompanying administrative rules for the SEC. By doing so, it will undo the delicate balance that stakeholder process achieved between the need for energy and for protecting our state’s natural resources.
The bill ignores that work and instead relies on an erroneous understanding of the authority current law provides the Site Evaluation Committee. For example, the bill (in section b) would prevent the SEC from requiring a visual impact assessment on non-wind power projects by incorrectly claiming 162-H did not grant the SEC such authority.
- To register your opposition, click here to access the Legislature’s on-line remote sign-in. To sign in on HB 1611, first click on January 18, select the House Science, Energy and Technology Committee and then choose HB 1611.