Season begins for paddlers, wildlife and outreach staff
- Tags:
- Volunteers,
- Stewardship

It's still technically spring, but the summer season at Grafton Pond is already in full swing. The loons have finished their courtship dances and are sitting on eggs that will soon hatch into tiny fluffy chicks, and the geese parents are even further ahead with lines of young goslings strung out behind them. Also out paddling on the pond are people- in kayaks, canoes and fishing boats. Grafton pond is a busy place anywhere from Memorial Day through Columbus

Seasonal outreach efforts at Grafton Pond are funded through generous donations from local landowners and the Friends of Grafton Pond, as well as from Hypertherm, Inc. In addition to financial support, Hypertherm also sends a crew of employees to Grafton Pond each May for a spring cleaning workday. These volunteers pick up trash along the road frontage and hiking trails, as well as from the islands and shoreline, making sure everything is immaculate