Locals Learn about Estuary Botany with Dr. Gregg Moore
- Tags:
- Education,
- Creek Farm

Getting hands on with estuary botany
What better way to usher in summer than with an evening walk along Sagamore Creek? On Thursday, June 21 Dr. Gregg Moore of Shoals Marine Laboratory and the University of New Hampshire joined the Forest Society at Creek Farm in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to lead a conversation about the plant life and ecology of our estuaries. The group learned to identify various salt marsh plants, saw the differences between the intertidal and uplands, and discussed how shoreline ecosystems change over time. Over 25 Seacoast residents came out to enjoy a warm, sunny evening on the first night of summer. After a tour around the shore, we ended the outing with wine and cheese on the Creek Farm lawn. This event was co-sponsored by the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests and the Shoals Marine Laboratory. See more upcoming events in our Summer at Creek Farm series. Explore more photos from the walk, below.

All photos by Emily Lord.

Explore the Creek Farm Property
Get directions, learn about recreational opportunities, download trail information, and more.

Creek Farm Series
To help promote the reservation to the public, the Forest Society has teamed up with local organizations to help celebrate the beauty of this coastal hideaway just minutes from downtown Portsmouth, NH.