Portsmouth Gundalow Company "River Rats" Campers experience Creek Farm in Portsmouth
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- Creek Farm

Exploring tide pools at Creek Farm in Portsmouth
The "River Rats" campers from the Portsmouth Gundalow Company arrived at the Forest Society's Creek Farm for a Nature Scavenger Hunt and Tide-Pooling along the shoreline at Goose Island.
The campers arrived by Boston Whaler launch from downtown Portsmouth for a day at Creek Farm and along the waterfront in Portsmouth.

A scavenger hunt was launched from the kiosk at the parking lot to explore the natural features of the Portsmouth waterfront along Sagamore Creek and Little Harbor. Items on the bingo board included shells and insects and forest leaves, acorns and wildlife sightings - landbirds and shorebirds. Even stone lions and bouys and sailboats! Campers found feathers and mushrooms in order to complete the bingo card for fabulous prizes! Bubbles or lollypops. We found trash and collected it to leave the property cleaner than we found it. Otherwise all natural items were left in place. Prizes included best cooperative spirit for working together to locate some of the more difficult to find items on the list.

Along the waterfront, attention turned to tide-pooling - small crabs, mussels, clams, oyster shells, seaweeds - at low tide along the channel at Goose Island.

What else could be better on a perfect sunny, warm summer day along NH's Seacoast?
The Portsmouth Gundalow Company "River Rats Campers" pose with completed scavenger hunt bingo boards. After lunch, campers turned to the water to practice rowing the "wherry" skiff and to constructing models of the gundalow. Creek Farm is a promising location for outdoor education with partner organizations in the Seacoast and greater Portsmouth area. To learn more, contact the Forest Society and to visit Creek Farm check our Forest Reservation Guide page with a map for the Little Harbor Trail. https://www.forestsociety.org/property/creek-farm