Coming Soon to Creek Farm: A Better Visitor Experience

Jack Savage | January 7, 2023
A group of community and business leaders holds a golden shovel together at the groundbreaking site.

A groundbreaking ceremony for the project took place in late December 2022. (From left to right: Dan Hoefle of Hoefle, Phoenix & Gormley; Kyle Bowser and Meghan Boland of Chinburg Properties; Rotary President Joanie Dickinson and Barbara Miller, the Rotary William Cash Fund Committee Chair; Pat Losik, of Rye, on the Board of Trustees of the Society for the Protection of NH Forests and Jack Savage, President of the Forest Society.)

The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests is teaming up with Chinburg Properties — with support from the Portsmouth Rotary Club and other generous donors — to construct a new accessible public restroom facility at the popular Creek Farm Forest Reservation in Portsmouth.

“This is the next improvement in making Creek Farm a great local destination for visitors,” said Jack Savage, President of the Forest Society. “Whether you’re here for a walk on the Little Harbor Loop Trail, to paddleboard in Sagamore Creek, to attend a program in our Creek Farm Education Center or a camp with the Gundalow Company, the new rest area will be a lot better than the portable toilets (based on personal experience).”

A rendering of the new public restrooms and water filling station.

The Rotary Club has pledged financial support and will be providing volunteer labor during the construction of the project. Placework designed the structure and Altus Engineering assisted with permitting. A total of $150,000 has been raised to date toward a $207,000 project cost.

Kid carrying oars at Gundalow River Rats camp environmental and outdoor education