The Forest Society has a dedicated Easement Stewardship Defense Fund and a separate dedicated Easement Stewardship Endowment to cover the ongoing, long-term costs associated with monitoring and managing our portfolio of conservation easements.
The Defense Fund is designed to address easement disputes and violations. The Stewardship Endowment is a pooled permanent endowment used to fund our everyday expenses of easement monitoring. Both the Defense Fund and the Stewardship Endowment are pooled from a number of sources, including landowners, conservation commissions, neighbors, and private foundations.
The Forest Society strives to be as efficient and effective as possible in using these funds to support our ongoing stewardship activities. Contributions to these funds are always needed and are often a considered a charitable donation. Contact Anne Truslow, Vice President of Development, for information on how to support our stewardship work or donate with the link below.