Forest Reservation Challenge: Hutchins Forest / Paul & Thelma Ambeau Memorial Forest

Tier 1:

Take a photo of youreslf (selfie) at the Hutchins Forest kiosk OR at the sign on Mountain Road OR the Ambeau Forest sign OR of a vernal pool.

Tier 2 (Merrimack Valley): Take one of the above photos and answer one set of questions below:

Be a forest detective! What are the more common types of trees growing from the sandy, well-drained soils overlooking wetlands and vernal pools?


Find a vernal pool on this property- there are several near the trails. If it is winter, find an area that you think might be a vernal pool in spring. Why did you guess that area? Many amphibians use vernal pools to breed- why do you think it is important for these species that the vernal pools they are using dry up during part of the year?


For trail maps, directions and to learn more about Hutchins Forest / Paul & Thelma Ambeau Memorial Forest, visit our Reservation Guide.


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