Coastal Watershed Plan

Smith Farm Conservation Easement, 30 Acres, Durham. Conserved in 2007 with the help of The Great Bay Resource Partnership. Forest Society Photo.
The Great Bay Resource Partnership, of which the Society for the Protection of NH Forests is a principal partner, uses a science-based approach to identify and conserve the most significant lands through the purchase or donation of land and conservation easements. The Partnership has permanently conserved 107 properties totaling 6,016 acres in the Great Bay region. The steady progress has contributed to a total of 54,412 acres of conservation and public land in the Great Bay region.

Conserved properties have protected some of the largest unfragmented blocks of natural lands in the watershed. Conserved lands include extensive upland forests, grasslands, and early successional shrubland habitat critical to the viability of many wildlife species of conservation concern. Embedded within the conserved lands is a mosaic of diverse freshwater and estuarine habitats including forested wetlands, beaver-managed stream systems, open marshes, floodplain forests, saltmarsh, intertidal rocky shoreline and mud flats.  

Partnership conserved lands have protected 24.5 miles of shoreline, 59.5 miles of stream frontage and 1,882 acres of wetlands.


A map of the Coastal Conservation Plan.