Forest Society Blog - News & Features

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UNH grad students in parkas survey from bank of Merrimack River

UNH CoastWise Program visits Forest Society's Merrimack River Floodplain

Dave Anderson | March 8, 2022

Students and UNH staff hiked the main trail to the river through the white pine plantation to the riverbank to learn about land conservation and the Merrimack River Conservation Partnership Program.

NH State House dome seen from Conservation Center in winter covered in snow.

House Committee to Vote on Bill Proposing Detrimental Changes to the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee

Matt Leahy | February 25, 2022

Contact members of the Committee on Science, Technology and Energy in the NH House of Representatives to express opposition.

ATV rutting in muddy trail in woods.

Legislative Committee Approves Bill to Establish a Commission to Study OHRV Use in the State

Matt Leahy | February 25, 2022

The Committee-passed version includes on the study commission a representative from either the Forest Society, the Appalachian Mountain Club or the Nature Conservancy on the Study Commission.

Harvest landing with skidder and logger next to pile of low grade wood

Update: NH House of Representatives Approves Low-Grade Wood Study Commission Legislation

Matt Leahy | February 20, 2022

The Forest Society testified in support of House Bill 1005, legislation that would establish the New Hampshire low-grade timber and wood emerging market commission

Fields at sunset at Emery Farm in Durham, New Hampshire

Legislature Considers Bills to Address New Hampshire’s Solid Waste Disposal Challenges

Matt Leahy | January 28, 2022

The Forest Society supports two bills addressing how the state disposes of trash.

Low grade wood biomass harvest pile at landing with red forwarder moving wood

Forest Society Lends to Support to Low-Grade Wood Study Commission Legislation

Matt Leahy | January 28, 2022

We encourage you to contact the Committee on Resources, Recreation and Development in support of HB 1005.
