Forest Society Blog - News & Features

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Electric Prices Fall Despite Predictions

January 12, 2015

ISO New England, which operates the regional power grid, said preliminary numbers for December indicate the wholesale price of electricity and natural gas were both down more than 50 percent compared to the same month a year ago. Total electricity usage across New England in December was down about 5 percent compared to a year ago, the grid operator said.

NH's Electricity Woes Cause PSNH to Negotiate

January 5, 2015

State Sen. Jeb Bradley and PSNH joined forces on Dec. 26 and filed a petition with the Public Utilities Commission, asking regulators to suspend two regulatory proceedings regarding the future of PSNH power plants and the cost of air quality controls (the so-called scrubber) at the Merrimack Station coal-fired plant in Bow.

The Unwilling

January 1, 2015