Renowned New England Tracker Susan Morse to lead programs

Learn from Master Wildlife Tracker Susan Morse this winter during programs in Bethlehem and Newbury and New London. Photo Dave Anderson
Winter Wildlife Education Events with Susan Morse
North Country
Wildlife Tracking Snowshoe Hike With Susan Morse
February 19 | 12:30–3:30 p.m. | at The Rocks, Bethlehem
Join renowned New England wildlife tracker and educator Susan Morse for a rare, guided snowshoe hike at The Rocks. Late February is peak breeding season for forest furbearers: ermine, mink, fisher, fox, coyote, bobcat, and their rodent-prey species. Sue will share track identification skills and the habits and habitats of these winter-active wild mammals. Pre-registration required. Cost:: $25. Limited to 20 people maximum
Evening Presentation: Wild Felines of New England With Susan Morse
February 19 | 6–8 p.m. | Bethlehem Public Library
In this special presentation,learn about the habits and habitats of bobcats, lynx, and mountain lions. Sponsored by The Bretzfelder Park Committee, Ammonoosuc Chapter of the Audubon Society of NH, and the Forest Society. Cost: Members: Free; Nonmembers: $5.
To register for either or both programs, visit or call Registrar, Tina Ripley at the Forest Society 224-9945.
Space is limited and pre-registration is required.
Upper Valley-Lake Sunapee Region
Wildlife Tracking Snowshoe Hike With Susan Morse
February 23 (Rain date: March 1) | 9 a.m.–12 p.m. | Hay Forest Reservation, Newbury
Join renowned New England wildlife tracker and educator Susan Morse for a rare, guided snowshoe hike at the Forest Society’s Hay Forest Reservation. Late February is peak breeding season for forest furbearers: ermine, mink, fisher, fox, coyote, bobcat, and their rodent-prey species. Sue will share track identification skills and the habits and habitats of these winter-active wild mammals. Pre-registration is required. Cost: $25. Limited to 20 people maximum.
Evening Presentation: Wild Cousins of Our Best Friends With Susan Morse
February 23 | 6:30–8:30 p.m. | Whipple Town Hall Community Center, New London
Join us for a slide-illustrated lecture detailing the hidden lives of New England’s foxes and coyotes. Sponsored by The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens and the Forest Society. Cost: Members: Free; Non-members: $5.
To register for either or both programs, contact The Fells via phone at 603-763-4789 x 3 or email
Space is limited and pre-registration is required.