First Day Hike 2020 attracted a diverse group for the 3-mile trek to Little Mountain Viewpoint. Volunteer Kate Wilcox shared her photos of the day's highlights.
- Tags:
- Recreation,
- Mount Monadnock

A group of hikers takes a quick pause at the top of the trail. (Photo: Kate Wilcox)
We are grateful to the 100 hikers who helped us kick off a new decade on our land on January 1, 2020 at the First Day Hike on Mt. Monadnock. After taking a 3-mile trail to Little Mountain Viewpoint, hikers enjoyed a crackling fire back at base camp thanks to the park staff and land stewards from the Forest Society. The participants were a diverse group, including families, first-time hikers and experienced outdoorspeople. First Day Hike Mount Monadnock was hosted in partnership with New Hampshire State Parks, one of five first day hikes organized by NH State Parks for New Year's Day. First Day Hikes offer individuals and families an opportunity to begin the New Year connecting with the outdoors by taking a free, organized hike on the first day of each new year.

Mount Monadnock is one of the most-climbed mountains in the western hemisphere. Since 1915, the Forest Society has acquired over 5,000 acres at Mount Monadnock and Gap Mountain in the towns of Dublin, Marlborough, Troy, and Jaffrey. The Forest Society leases much of this land to the State to be operated as Monadnock State Park. You can plan your own Monadnock adventure with visitor guide. To see more photos, visit our Facebook page: (All photos by volunteer Kate Wilcox)

Thanks to everyone who joined us!