Easement Stewardship Endowment

November 24, 2015

The Forest Society holds conservation easements on more than 130,000 acres. When landowners convey a conservation easement to the Forest Society, they are both expressing their desire to keep their land forever open, and trusting the Forest Society to ensure that this goal is met.

We need your help to fulfill that obligation.

Once a conservation easement is in place, the Forest Society bears the responsibility of regularly monitoring the land to ensure the terms of the easement are respected – in perpetuity.

The Conservation Easement Stewardship Endowment was created to ensure that the land on which the Forest Society holds conservation easements remains in the undeveloped state that the original landowner sought to preserve. For every new easement, we must add $10,000 to the Endowment. Income from the Easement Stewardship Endowment supports our professional work to ensure the integrity of the more than 700 conservation easements we hold.

Contribute to the Easement Stewardship Endowment today to make sure that the integrity of farms, forests, wetlands and scenic landscapes across the state remains intact forever – which is a very long time.

Please donate today!