Dave Anderson

Sr. Director of Education
Dave Anderson is Senior Director of Education for the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests. He joined the Forest Society in 1990. Anderson is responsible for design, development and delivery of conservation education programs including field trips, workshops and presentations for Forest Society members, conservation partners, schools and the general public.
Anderson is well known as a naturalist, guiding field trip tours on the Society's Forest Reservations statewide while teaching about forest ecology, wildlife habitats, stewardship of forest resources and land conservation to introduce life-long residents and visitors alike to the protection and wise use of New Hampshire forests, conservation land and open space.
Anderson is a co-author of the “Forest Journal” column in the statewide New Hampshire Sunday News. His quarterly “Nature’s View” columns are a long-time regular feature in the Forest Society’s quarterly Forest Notes magazine . Anderson is writer and co-host of “Something Wild," the natural history and forest-related Friday radio feature and podcast on New Hampshire Public Radio (NHPR).
Anderson received the prestigious 2014 Fred E. Beane Award for effective, fair and balanced Statewide communications on issues affecting agriculture and forestry in New Hampshire. Anderson is the 2022 recipient of the NH Timberland Owners Annual President's Award for forest-related communication and public relations. He lives on a 48-acre certified NH Tree Farm in South Sutton, NH.