During the 2014 session, the New Hampshire Legislature established a committee to study the current status of land conservation in New Hampshire and the state’s role in encouraging voluntary protection of land in the future. The Committee's report laid out several important recommendations and suggestions for future steps which policy makers and land conservation advocates should take. Read the final report here.
“Land Conservation in New Hampshire: A Snapshot of Progress & Opportunities” is a report that was offered by the Society for the Protection of NH Forests and The Nature Conservancy with the purpose of providing baseline information on the status of conserved lands in New Hampshire for consideration by the SB 388 Study Committee. In addition to surveying the current state of conserved lands, the report provides a summary of strengths and weaknesses of the present portfolio of conserved lands and identifies opportunities and priorities for future land conservation. This report was prepared for the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests and The Nature Conservancy. Data development and analysis was provided by Dan Sundquist of GreenFire GIS and by Pete Steckler of TNC. Questions should be directed to Will Abbott at the Forest Society (wabbott@forestsociety.org) or Jim O’Brien at The Nature Conservancy (jim_obrien@tnc.org).