VOTED: to execute an amendment to the Tillotson/Balsams View LLC conservation restrictions in Colebrook and Dixville, NH.
The amendment will allow for structures and improvements for commercial skiing and other outdoor recreation, specifically:
Two Ski Lifts: two ski lifts extending from the Balsams Resort across Route 26 and through the conservation property to the area west of Table Rock. One lift will have a mid-terminal for exiting onto the conservation property. The base and top terminals of these lifts will be located outside the conservation property.
Ski Back Trail: a return ski trail, including one end of a bridge over Route 26 (for skiers and others returning from the existing Wilderness ski area to the Balsams Resort) to be located on the conservation property.
Top Lift Terminal and Trail: an upper terminal area for a new lift extending into abutting land, plus an associated trail to the existing Wilderness ski area across the conservation property.
The amendment will include the following mitigation to enhance the conservation restrictions:
Hodge Valley: to reduce the footprint of the reserved right in the existing conservation restrictions for a ski lift, trails, and related structures and improvements in Hodge Valley. The revised reserved right will permit one ski lift originating in the restricted property and terminating in the vicinity of Dixville Peak. The ski lift and trails associated with that lift will be limited to approximately 47 acres as shown in the provided concept map with no disturbances extending beyond the western boundary of said trails, except relocating the existing snowmobile trail or pedestrian recreational trails.
Dixville Ridge Parcel: the owners of the Balsams Resort will be required to purchase a 66-acre parcel of land on Dixville Ridge owned by the Tillotson Corporation, which that by virtue of that purchase will be added to the existing conservation restrictions. Additionally, they will eliminate the reserved right to erect wind towers on that parcel, and will place additional restrictions to further protect the old growth forest. The existing snowmobile trails and the Cohos Trail will continue to be permitted. Low impact pedestrian recreation will also be permitted or relocated.
Dixville Ridge Extension: the owners of the Balsams Resort will place additional restrictions to further protect approximately 90 acres of old growth forest located in the restricted property in the vicinity of the northern-most end of the Dixville Ridge Parcel.
East on Route 26: the owners of the Balsams Resort will be required to add to the conservation restrictions a 50-acre parcel of developable land along Route 26 near the conservation property to the conservation restrictions. The restrictions will protect the property from future development (other than for agriculture or forestry) on those 50 acres, which contain some wetlands. This addition to the conservation restrictions includes a reserved right to permit utilities, buried water pipelines, and an overhead distribution line along its frontage on Route 26.
Closing to be preceded by: (1) review and approval by legal counsel; (2) satisfaction of escrow agreement deliverables; and (3) approval by the NH Attorney General Charitable Trusts Unit.