You can recreate responsibly by using the links below to help find places near you to hike and recreate safely. Try both statewide agencies and land trusts as well as regional land trusts, and don't forget your own town. Most municipalities have some open lands or a town forest with hiking trails... check with your town's conservation commission or recreation department.
*Remember to check with the land owner(s) before you go to see if parking areas are plowed!* Here is a list of 12 Forest Society reservations that have plowed parking in the winter.

- Society for the Protection of NH Forests: Reservations Guide
- The Nature Conservancy: Places We Protect
- New Hampshire Audubon Sanctuaries
- New England Forestry Foundation: Explore Our Forests
- New Hampshire State Parks
- NH Division of Forests & Lands Map
- NH Fish & Game Wildlife Management Areas
- Trailfinder
- Trails NH (trail conditions, trail reports)

- Ausbon-Sargent Land Preservation Trust: Trails
- Upper Valley Land Trust: Public Access Trails
- Upper Valley Mountain Biking Association: Local Trails
- Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway Coalition
- Hanover Conservancy: Lands

- Lakes Region Conservation Trust: Trail Maps
- Squam Lakes Association: Natural Areas and Trails
- Belknap Range Conservation Coalition: Maps
- Moose Mountains Regional Greenways: Map of Territories

- Five Rivers Conservation Trust: Properties
- Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust: Trails
- Bow Open Spaces, Inc.: Properties and Trails
- Piscataquog Land Conservancy: Conservation Properties

- Harris Center for Conservation Education: Trails
- Monadnock Conservancy: Hiking
- Piscataquog Land Conservancy: Conservation Properties
- New Hampshire Metacomet-Monadncock Trail: Map
- Wantastiquet-Monadnock Trail
- Francestown Land Trust: Maps

- Southeast Land Trust: Trail Maps and Guides
- Bear Paw Regional Greenways: Take a Hike
- Great Bay Resource Protection Partnership: Maps

- Ammonoosuc Conservation Trust: Explore Our Lands
- Mahoosuc Land Trust: Hikes
- Cohos Trail: Day Hikes

- Pemi-Baker Land Trust: Trail Maps
- Upper Saco Valley Land Trust: Maps
- Appalachian Mountain Club
- White Mountain National Forest: Recreation

Explore our Reservations!
Visit our Forest Reservations Guide to plan a day in the woods or learn about land we own near you.