The members of the Commission to Develop a Land Conservation Plan have been appointed. Representing the New Hampshire conservation community will be David Patrick of the Nature Conservancy, Matt Leahy of the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests and Jeanie McIntyre of the Upper Valley Land Trust. The full commission roster will be:
- Sen. Martha Fuller Clark, appointed by the President of the Senate;
- Rep. Chris Christensen, member of the Committee on Resources, Recreation and Development, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
- Nicholas Coates, appointed by the New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions to represent municipal conservation interests;
- David Patrick of the Nature Conservancy, Matt Leahy of the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, and Jeanie McIntyre of the Upper Valley Land Trust, representatives of statewide or regional conservation organizations, appointed by the Governor;
- One person representing business and industry, appointed by the Business and Industry Association;
- Theodore Tichy, representing hunting, fishing, and other outdoor recreation, appointed by the Fish and Game Commission;
- Mary Beth Rudolph, representing real estate interests, appointed by the New Hampshire Association of Realtors;
- Rob Johnson of the New Hampshire Farm Bureau Federation, appointed by that organization;
- Jasen Stock, representing the forest products industry, appointed by the New Hampshire Timberland Owners Association.