Reassured by New Growth After the Fire

October 19, 2015

Last May I wrote a blog post about the area by the Marjory Swope trails in Concord that had just suffered a fire.  It’s a place my family often walks.  Recently, my husband and I walked the area again, to see what it looked like four months after the fire.   

There’s a lot of green around the blackened trees.  In some places ferns or wildflowers cover the ground.  Other areas have less greenery and with the pine needles and leaves burned away the ground is bare except for the acorns.  There are acorns everywhere in some places, easily seen on the forest floor.   And there’s evidence of small animals taking advantage of the easily seen food.

In other areas small trees that were burned by the fire are dead, but their roots survived the fire and have sent up new shoots.   Slowly but steadily the forest is recovering,  It looks different, but it's still a beautiful place.