NH Students hike, learn, share, enjoy views, take group photos.
- Tags:
- Mount Major,
- Education

Forest Society hike helper Hal Busch with Little Harbor School students at Mt Major. Photo Bob Holdsworth
Late September and early to mid October are peak season for schools hiking at the Forest Society's Mt Major Forest Reservation in Alton. This autumn the Forest Society staff and volunteers have been busy visiting schools for an in-school introduction to the geology, land use history, wildlife, forests of the Belknap Range and trails ettiquette including "leave no trace" ethics and the basic tenets of the hike safe program including the "10 essentials" list for NH hikers.
After the in-school presentations to six different schools, Forest Society volunteers join the students for the ascent and help to point out features in the view and organize a litter clean up around the summit. After lunch, group photos at the stone ruins of Mr Phippen's hut are a Mt Major tradition.

Colorful clothing and smiling faces are typical as students exclaim at the foliage season views of Lake Winnipesaukee below. This is the Belmont Elementary School atop Mt Major.

Some other recent schools hiking at Mt Major include Little Harbor Elementary School from Portsmouth.

Sant Bani School in Sanbornton and Little Harbor Elementary School in Portsmouth have been hiking at Mt Major before the inception of the Forest Society's land conservation campaign and outreach program we call "the Mount Major Outdoor Classroom."
If you know NH schools interested in hiking Mt Major and learning from Forest Society educators prior to their visit, please contact Forest Society Education Director, Dave Anderson at danderson@forestsociety.org or by calling 224-9945.