Nigel Manley in the Christmas tree fields at The Rocks in Bethlehem.
The New Hampshire Granite State Ambassadors organization thrives on partnerships each year. This year’s Partnership Award was given to Nigel Manley, director of North Country Operations for the Forest Society.

In a press release, GSA said:
"Nigel has been a supporter of Granite State Ambassadors for many years, hosting groups for tours, programs and even a holiday party celebration. He has been instrumental in providing high-quality virtual educational programming for GSAs this year. In the spring, he gave a presentation on maple syruping in NH, and in the fall, he hosted an informative presentation on moose and bears in NH."
GSAs are volunteers, industry professionals, and residents of New Hampshire who have been trained and certified as NH information specialists who welcome the world to New Hampshire. You can find them at visitor centers, special events, chambers, and many other locations throughout the state. In their role as the friendly, knowledgeable face of New Hampshire, the Granite State Ambassador volunteers strive to help every person they meet have the best New Hampshire experience possible -- building on the hard work the NH Division of Travel & Tourism, Manchester-Boston Regional Airport and our state’s chambers of commerce do to invite these traveling guests here.