Workshop presentations can be accessed by landowners

The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests received a generous grant from the New Hampshire Bar Foundation’s J. Albert and Mildred E. Lynch Fund to support of workshops being presented by Forest Society staff at the 2018 Saving Special Places Conference, April 7, 2018.
"Conservation easements are an essential tool for protecting New Hampshire's special landscapes." said Brian Hotz, the Forest Society's vice president of land conservation. "Educating landowners and organizations on a range of topics concerning conservation easements is an important step in the land protection process."
The N.H. Bar Foundation grant enables the Forest Society staff to plan, research, draft and present five workshops geared specifically toward landowners and land conservation partners across the state. Once completed, the presentations will be made available for up to one year at no charge to individuals, land trusts and organizations in the state who choose to reference the materials on the Saving Special Places website.
The N.H. Bar Foundation is governed by a volunteer board of directors committed to ensuring equal access to the justice system for all residents and managed by a staff dedicated to the mission and vision of the organization.
"We appreciate the N.H. Bar Foundation's support," said Jane Difley, president/forester of the Forest Society. "They understand that educating landowners on their rights 'in a free society' is an important part of our ability to protect important landscapes."
The Forest Society is a Land Trust Alliance accredited land trust.