The Forest Society welcomes stewards Matt Scaccia and Zach Pearo

Conservation Easement Stewards, Matt Scaccia and Zach Pearo
The Forest Society recently welcomed two new Conservation Easement Stewards to the Easement Stewardship Department: Matt Scaccia and Zach Pearo.
Matt Scaccia joined the Forest Society after working as the Land Steward for Downeast Coastal Conservancy—a regional land trust covering the easternmost corner of the country. Matt has an M.S. in Forest Resources and a B.S. in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism from the University of Maine in Orono. He is responsible for monitoring the Forest Society’s conservation easement properties from much of the Lakes Region up to Coös County.
Zach Pearo held an internship with the Monadnock Conservancy as an easement steward prior to joining the Forest Society. Zach has a BA in Geography and a minor in Environmental Sciences from Keene State College. Zach lives in Nelson, NH and monitors properties in the southwestern portion of the state.
Following Matt and Zach’s arrival, the Easement Stewardship Department now consists of six staff members. Since the early 1970s, the Forest Society has used conservation easements to protect 130,000 acres of important forest lands, water resources, scenic vistas, wildlife habitat and agricultural resources. Get to know the team and view a map showing which Easement Steward is assigned to different regions of the state at Contacting Your Easement Steward.

Are you a conservation easement landowner?
Meet our Easement Stewardship team and learn more about easement monitoring.

Conservation Easement Stewardship at the Forest Society
For every conservation easement the Forest Society accepts, we make a commitment to the landowner that we will protect the conservation values of their property forever.