Click here to read a pdf of the letter sent to Gov. Sununu. The text of the letter is below.
February 5, 2018
The Honorable Chris Sununu
Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street Concord, NH 03301
Dear Governor Sununu,
The unanimous vote of the Site Evaluation Committee (SEC) to deny Northern Pass Transmission’s application for a Certificate of Site and Facility has put our state at an important crossroads. Following last week’s decision by Massachusetts to name Northern Pass as its only selection for their historic clean energy procurement, we have a responsibility to ensure that our families and communities can benefit from billions of dollars in economic benefits with virtually no adverse impact to our host communities or the environment. The SEC decision should not be taken as a “no” to energy projects in New Hampshire, but rather as an opportunity to refocus on the right project for our state. We believe that project is the Granite State Power Link (GSPL).
The Massachusetts clean energy RFP evaluation process lacked transparency, and its decision— heavily weighted on the ability of Northern Pass to begin delivering energy by 2020—is now demonstrably flawed. Regardless of how Massachusetts elects to move forward with a new or revised selection, we have a responsibility to our constituents to ensure that New Hampshire benefits.
As has been well-documented by independent sources, the GSPL will provide cleaner energy to New England, at a lower cost, and with minimal impact to New Hampshire communities. Furthermore, GSPL will bring more than $590 million in local property tax revenues to Granite State host communities, and hundreds of millions more to the state itself. GSPL has also partnered with the Northern Community Investment Corporation to provide $20 million in economic benefits to host towns and cities and will fund energy assistance programs for New Hampshire’s low-income families through project partner Citizens Energy.
The SEC’s vote provides New Hampshire with a unique opportunity to embrace a project that will bring our state all of the benefits with none of the costs. Now, more than ever, we are united in preserving the natural beauty of New Hampshire and protecting our communities and tourism economy. This can be done by welcoming a clean energy solution that minimizes impacts and maximizes the use of existing transmission corridors and infrastructure – the Granite State Power Link.
As a bipartisan coalition, we formally request that you support the Granite State Power Link, so we can ensure that the thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in benefits stay here in New Hampshire.
Sen. Bob Guida, District 2
Sen. Kevin Avard, District 12
Hon. Gene Chandler, Carroll District 1, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Hon. Steve Shurtleff, Merrimack District 1, House Minority Leader
Rep. Brad Bailey, Grafton District 14
Rep. Skylar Boutin, Grafton District 2
Rep. Duane Brown, Grafton District 16
Rep. Erin Hennessey, Grafton District 1
Rep. Linda Massamilla, Grafton District 1
Rep. Howard Moffett, Merrimack District 9
Rep. Sharon Nordgren, Grafton District 12
Rep. David Pierce, Hillsborough District 6
Rep. Stephen Rand, Grafton District 8
Rep. Vicki Schwaegler, Grafton District 3
Rep. Suzanne Smith, Grafton District 8
Cc: Massachusetts Clean Energy RFP Evaluators (transmitted via email) The Honorable Charlie Baker, Governor, Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Honorable Robert DeLeo, Speaker, House of Representatives, Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Honorable Harriette Chandler, Acting President, Senate, Commonwealth of Massachusetts