We are thankful for the more than 45 volunteers and staff that prepared to join us at the 18th Annual Monadnock Trails Week. The month of September brought us cooler temperatures and beautiful skies to work on trail structural improvements and retain important ecosystems on at Mount Monadnock and Gap Mountain. The Forest Society and New Hampshire State Parks worked together to host the 18th annual event from September 5 to September 9.
A high importance was placed on matching volunteers on projects that fit their interests and abilities to improve the experience of those that joined us for this week on the trails. One volunteer shared, “It wasn’t only a fun time for me, as a new volunteer, but a terrific showcase for what the Forest Society is all about.”

By the end of the event, 47 volunteers had contributed approximately 644 hours to trail improvements. Twelve Forest Society staff and temporary crew leaders spent more than 300 hours leading and supporting their efforts.

Thank you to the sponsors of Monadnock Trails Week: Monadnock Paper Mills and Dublin Tap Room!