On January 21, the House Fish and Game and Marine Resources Committee will review House Bill 1596, legislation to provide state general funds to support the Fish and Game Department’s search and rescue operations. As proposed, HB 1596 would appropriate up to $200,000 annually from the general fund into Fish and Game’s search and rescue fund. This appropriation can only occur if the executive director determines that available search and rescue funds are insufficient to pay for those operations.
The Forest Society has long contended the Department has been chronically under-funded. Over time, the Department’s mission has greatly expanded from oversight of game species to one that is responsible for all wildlife, as well as public boat access, search and rescue, and enforcement of laws governing off-highway recreational vehicles (OHRV) and snowmobiles. These increased responsibilities, coupled with the unstable level in sales of fishing and hunting licenses (a primary revenue source for the Department), has adversely affected Fish and Game’s capacity to carry out all of its duties.
The passage of the legislation will help to address this problem. The quality of life and economic vitality we enjoy in New Hampshire is dependent in part on the proper management and stewardship of our natural resources. The Department plays a direct part in the conservation and protection of these resources. Its work results in broad benefits to all the citizens of New Hampshire though increased business activity, including all types of outdoor recreation activities. Reducing the budget constraints Fish and Game is facing will strengthen its ability to meet its mission responsibilities.