New Exhibit by Photographer Jeff Sluder on Display at Conservation Center

A new exhibit by photographer Jeff Sluder will be on display through June 30 at the Concord Conservation Center , the headquarters of the Society for the Protection of NH Forests.

Jeff’s “Glimpses from My World” show features photos he has collected in the past year in travels to North Carolina, Colorado and closer to his home in Kingston, N.H.
“They are quiet slices of my world frozen in time,” Jeff says. “These are images that appeal to my sensibilities. I hope you enjoy them, too.”
Jeff is a member of the Kingston Conservation Commission as well as a member of the New Hampshire Society of Photographic Artists and the Newburyport Art Association. He also volunteers for the Forest Society.
The Conservation Center is located at 54 Portsmouth St., in Concord. Exhibit hours are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Conference Room is used for meetings, so please call (603) 224-9945 before visiting to make sure it’s open.