Creek Farm (Photo: Kate Wilcox)
Join the Great Bay-Piscataqua Waterkeeper,CLF, the Forest Society, SELT, TNC, Acton Wakefield Watershed Alliance, Phillips Exeter and the Exeter Planning Department and Kittery Land Trust for for a series of Wednesday walks. Visit new preserves and learn how each property helps protect the health of our region’s waterways. The series includes walk at the Forest Society's Creek Farm on September 27 (see details at bottom).
• All events are from 4-6pm.
• All walks are weather-dependent - cancellations will be announced by 10am on the day of the walk.
• Please RSVP to Melissa Paly, mpaly@clf.org, and/or to the host contact.
August 23 - Exeter River, Exeter
Hosted by Phillips Exeter Academy & Exeter Planning Department
Contact – Warren Biggins (PEA) and Kristen Murphy (Town of Exeter), wbiggins@exeter.edu
Location – 3 Chadwick Lane, Exeter
We’ll take a 3-mile out-and-back walk along the Exeter River. Learn about the Academy’s Natural Resource Management Plan and some of the work completed to date. We will also touch on the value of river front buffers, challenges and opportunities created by beaver activities, invasive plant management and more.
September 13 – Nooney Farm, Kittery
Hosted by Kittery Land Trust
Contact – Dot Avery, dot@kitterylandtrust.org
Location – 17 Stevenson Road, Kittery
Visit Kittery Land Trust’s newest conservation property where we’ll take a 1-mile walk through working farmland, cross a boardwalk spanning a headwater marsh of Spruce Creek, and explore a lovely mixed-hardwood upland. Learn how KLT is protecting water, running a community farm where thousands of pounds of food are grown each year for area food banks, and creating new educational programs for Kittery students.
September 27 - Little Harbor Loop Trail
Hosted by Society for the Protection of NH Forests
Contact – Sarah Kern, skern@forestsociety.org
Location – 400 Little Harbor Road, Portsmouth
Join our final walk on the 1.9 mile Little Harbor Loop Trail along the shores of Sagamore Creek and the Forest Society’s Creek Farm woodlands, with a narrow forest trail that neighbors the Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion. In this sheltered coastal inlet where the Piscataqua River meets the Atlantic Ocean you'll find freshwater wetlands, tidal pools, and at low tide, access to tiny Goose Island.